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"Education is the most powerful weapon which   you can use to change the world". Nelson Mandela
Baby Unit 
Our baby unit is developed in a rest area and a play room. It provides the calm and secure environment babies need. Babies have a key person who follow their own feeding and sleeping routines. We encourage parents to bring their baby for a short visit before starting the nursery, since both babies and parents have varying needs when starting nursery for the first time. 

​Over 2's

Our over 2's group are based in a setting with seven defined workshops. Mathematics, communication and language, literacy, understanding of the world, expressive arts and design, personal social and emotional development. Throughout the day children move freely from workshop to workshop enabling them to access all areas of learning.

Special Educational Needs
We have an in house SENCO designated person who works with staff and parents to support any children with health or educational needs
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